Friday, 21 February 2014

Time for a change.

So I have been thinking about this for a long time now but I think I'm almost ready to start with the next stage for my business. A new name! Whilst 'Sally Anne Costumes' has served me well I think it's time to get serious and smarten myself up! This name and image was something that I brought with me from university when we were asked to create our own business cards etc as part of the course. Stuck for inspiration Sally Anne Costumes was born. I feel I need a name and look that is more mature and eye catching as well as serving a purpose. As I dabble in a few areas, ie millinery, costume and corsetry I also want something doesn't put me in just one box but something that I am free to explore other avenues under. 

Anyway I have been working hard for a few months now and hopefully soon will be able to unveil my brand new look, so keep your eyes peeled!

Love Sally x

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