Tuesday, 16 September 2014

New photos on Etsy

So for a long time i have been wanting to update the photos for some of my popular hats i have listed. Im certainly not the greatest photographer but have learned a few things about taking photos of my hats since i first opened my Etsy shop. It may be a slow process but im starting to feel much better about the look of my shop!

Check out my red mini top hat in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/72864058/red-feathery-mini-top-hat-burlesque

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Here comes the bride...

The sun is shining today! Hurrah! It almost feel like spring could be on its way. So with spring in the air i have been thinking about all the fabulous weddings that will be taking place in the coming months. My workroom is covered in crisp ivory crin, beautiful veiling, soft white feathers and handmade silk flowers. I've been working on some new bridal headwear ready for any blushing bride who might want something unique for her big day.  

I love working with silk and making silk flowers. Each petal is cut and shaped from raw silk and then wrapped around a wire stamen. 

If anyone is interested in an Olive and Betty bespoke hat or headpiece for their big day then please get in touch. Visit me on etsy www.oliveandbettybespoke.etsy.com .

Sally x

Sunday, 23 February 2014

The Grand Unveiling!

As discussed in my last post I have been working hard on the new look for my business. So, without further a do, I can now reveal the name I have chosen is........Olive and Betty! I struggled with what to change my name to for a while so looked to what inspires me to do what i do. Olive was my Nanna's name and she was one of my biggest supporters. She always encouraged my creativity and helped me a great deal through college and university. She even bought me my first sewing machine, and her beautiful black and gold Singer sewing machine sits proudly in my work room as a reminder of her. Betty was her sister, my great Aunt and she has been a huge source of inspiration for me. She loved being creative too, and loved many crafts, especially embroidery. I have inherited a lot of her bits and pieces from button, sequins, feathers and all sorts which I use in my work. I was also given her spinning wheel which I am desperate to try out one day! Both Olive and Betty have been a huge part of who I am and what I do and I owe a lot to theme. Naming my business Olive and Betty is my way of thanking them for all of their support and also a way of keeping them involved and a part of my business.

I still have some work to do with changing everything to my new name so at the moment my Etsy shop is still the same. Hopefully everything will be up and running as Olive and Betty very soon.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Time for a change.

So I have been thinking about this for a long time now but I think I'm almost ready to start with the next stage for my business. A new name! Whilst 'Sally Anne Costumes' has served me well I think it's time to get serious and smarten myself up! This name and image was something that I brought with me from university when we were asked to create our own business cards etc as part of the course. Stuck for inspiration Sally Anne Costumes was born. I feel I need a name and look that is more mature and eye catching as well as serving a purpose. As I dabble in a few areas, ie millinery, costume and corsetry I also want something doesn't put me in just one box but something that I am free to explore other avenues under. 

Anyway I have been working hard for a few months now and hopefully soon will be able to unveil my brand new look, so keep your eyes peeled!

Love Sally x

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Hats, Hats and more hats!

So my hats are ticking along quite nicely at the moment. I've had a few sales, 2 of which are custom orders which I love doing. I had a lovely lady Clare come to see me the other day. She wanted a hat to go with an outfit she had picked out that she is wearing to the Cheltenham festival in a few weeks time. 

Her outfit was made from a lovely tweed fabric with a pop of purple velvet on the collar and cuffs. Originally she was looking at a cloche style hat in purple but as it happened I hat a fedora made up in a taupe wool felt with a purple felt bow around the brim. This went perfectly with the outfit so she decided to go for that instead. I love it when a customer finds something that's just right! I hope she enjoys wearing it and I look forward to seeing some pictures. 

Next I'm planning some new bridal hats ready for spring/summer. I've been making silk flowers and beading lots of pretty lace in preparation so I hope to have some photos to show very soon so stay tuned! 

Love Sally