Tuesday, 19 March 2013

New Hat Style.

I've been playing around with a new style of mini top hat. It has a shorter crown and it's so cute! It's a much easier style to wear and seems to suit everyone. I can just see Victorian ladies swanning around with these perching on their up-do's and i have tried to use this as my inspiration for the decoration. Green is my favourite colour and I love the rich tones of the green velvet ribbon against this lovely brown felt. The soft hackle feathers have so much movement in them and sit perfectly behind the ribbon cockade. I want to make a range of these before I put them on my Etsy shop. Using Victorian influences with a hint of steampunk, I'm really excited to put together a collection of these little hats. All I need now is to come up with a name!

The shorter style is so adorable! The hat perches on the head and is held in place with elastic tucked behind the hair. 
I love making these ribbon cockades to decorate my hats. The pretty pewter button really finishes it off perfectly.

I would love to hear what you think of it! Will post more pics soon.

Love and Hattiness,

Sally x

A Little Hello!

I'm sitting in my workroom staring at the rain lashing against the window. It's another typical British day outside. This depresses me for like a second because then I remember I am surrounded by beautiful feathers, luxurious ribbons, felt and straw. Heaven! Who needs sunshine when i can be tucked up in my workroom creating things! Creating hats to be exact, as that is what I do. I am a milliner and have been hand-making hats to sell for a few years now and I adore it! I wish i could spend all day doing this and one day soon I hope to give up my office job and do this full time but it's a slow process. I need to earn money to help build my business so for now I am juggling the two. I don't care though, because even after a long, frustrating day at work I can come home and spend the evening being creative. When I get such lovely emails from my customers thanking me for the hats they have received, it makes it worth it.
I have always loved making things and spent most of my childhood covered in PVA glue and glitter. I studied art and textiles and school and went on to do Fashion at college. My mum taught me to sew and I really enjoyed it. I was obsessed with costume and history and so I went to study Costume design at university. It was the best 3 years of my life and I learned so much. It was here that I first started learning about millinery. Creating a fabulous hat to match the costumes I had made really finished them off. When I finished I set up Sally Anne Costumes. I created a website to show of my work and started doing custom work for people which is so much fun. I decided I wanted to learn more millinery skills so started taking a class. The very first lesson we blocked a felt hat. I was hooked. I was so proud of the little navy hat I had made, all with my own hands! All the work I put in, steaming the felt, stretching over the hat block and then hand stitching the wire and ribbon to finish the brim was so satisfying. Then of course I had to decorate it. Oh my, the possibilities! I rushed home with my handmade treasure and showed it off. I got a great response, which made me want to make more. Not long after i decided to take the plunge and purchase my first wooden hat block. I love top hats and when I found the range of midi sized hat blocks from the company Guy Morse Brown I was smitten and ordered the top hat version immediately. I was so excited when they arrived it was like Christmas morning! Taking them from their box, all shiny and new I spent the next few hours cooing over them adoringly. When I was brave enough to actually start sticking pins in i starting blocking. My very first top hat was red and feathery and I was so thrilled with the finished creation. Everyone loved it and I started thinking perhaps I could sell these. Etsy is a handmade marketplace full of handmade and vintage items and i decided this would be the perfect place to try and sell my little hatties. That is when sallyannecostumes Etsy shop was born. It took a while to sell my first hat but orders steadily grew and the response I was getting from all my customers was really positive. I have now expanded my range of hat styles and I am improving my shop all the time.
In my blog I will be sharing new ideas, designs, and all the exciting happenings while my business grows. I hope you enjoy reading it and keep checking back. Please check out my website www.sallyannecostumes.co.uk and my Etsy shop www.sallyannecostumes.etsy.com

Anyway, that's enough of my ramblings. With a glass of red wine on hand and Lola, my Bassett Hound puppy snoozing in her bed, it's time for me to get back to my hats!

Love and Hattiness
